Background Check
SPECIALIZED INVESTIGATIONS has performed many complex and limited background investigations on individuals and businesses since 1981. We have access to a wide range of resources and techniques in conducting any type of background check.
We are experts in performing background investigations in the following areas:
- SIU and Insurance Claims. We have many different resources available to conduct every type of insurance-related background investigation.
- Business/Corporate Backgrounds. Purposes range from trademark/copyright infringements, prospective business/ partnership deals, unfair competition, employee theft, and others.
- Individual Backgrounds. Purposes include domestic affairs, pre-marital checks, roommate screenings, family matters, prospective child care employees, harassment cases, and others.
The benefits of hiring SPECIALIZED INVESTIGATIONS include:
- Investigators who specialize in conducting background checks and asset searches;
- Investigators who know the laws in obtaining legal vs. illegal information;
- Access to a very comprehensive list of available public record database resources and other sources;
- Knowledge and ability to analyze data obtained for maximum benefit to client;
- Administrative and management staff dedicated to assist the background and asset Investigators;
CAUTION: Don’t be fooled by other low or flat-rate background package deals. Contact an expert, who can advise you of the best and most cost effective approach, tailored to your individual needs.
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LOS ANGELES: Encino, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Woodland Hills, and Glendale ANAHEIM: Santa Ana, Irvine, Newport Beach, Long Beach, and Pomona
SAN FRANCISCO: Santa Rosa, San Jose, Monterey, Concord, and Oakland SAN DIEGO: Riverside, Chula Vista, El Cajon, Del Mar, and Oceanside
SACRAMENTO: Fresno , Modesto, Stockton, Vacaville, and Roseville ARIZONA: Phoenix, Scottsdale
WASHINGTON: Seattle, Spokane